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Testimonials from graduating Certificate IV students

Graduating students of our course come from all walks of life. Some are vet nurses, animal attendants or veterinarians who are already in the pet industry either training animals as a hobby or professionally. We also get students who have no formal qualifications in training animals and are just your average pet owner looking to strengthen the bond they have with their pets. These students normally never envisaged that they could be running classes for clients and find they start the course to just gain the knowledge but realise a career in dog training whether part time or full time can be so rewarding.

For Delta, all these stories are special and give us hope that we can spread the word on the importance of the human-animal bond.

Featured below you can read all about our graduates experiences whilst undertaking the course and what they are doing now.


Sharon Crichton.jpg

Sharon is the trainer and behavioural consultant for Positive Dog Training, Adelaide.


"In 2012, I completed the Delta Cert IV in Companion Animal Services. The knowledge and experienced gained through the assignments and attending the course has been invaluable for my own business. Not only did I gain knowledge and practical tips but I also gained invaluable networks as a result of doing the Delta course; this has helped not only my own dogs but others as well.


It was hugely satisfying to successfully complete the program. The standards are high but it makes the program feel even more worthwhile. The feedback on assignments was always of high standard and timely.

Once again a big thank you and I feel very privileged to be able to run my own full time business in such a great industry. Now going to work never feels like work".




"I feel like I have come a very long way since starting the course with just an ardent desire to learn more about dogs and to help rescue dogs. I had no vision of actually teaching classes and was quite nervous about it when the time came. But I have been stretched out of my comfort zone many times during this program and feel I am much better for it. I have learned so much and most of all I know how much more I need to learn!


Thanks to all the research, practical work and personal connections made during the past 3 years I feel like I have a great foundation on which to build. One of the things I'm determined to do, and have started doing, is to encourage the positive trainers in my region to work together, communicate, and help each other instead of competing. I'm also very excited about starting my own little business and reaching as many dogs and guardians as I can so they can have a positive experience with training, and the dogs never end up in a pound due to issues caused by bad or inadequate training".





"In March 2011, I decided it was time to do some voluntary work. I have always had a love of all animals and in April 2009, I acquired a rescue dog.
For the last 17 years, my animal family was 2 cats. After visiting my vet frequently for the last 2 months of their lives, I became very friendly with my vet. The day my second cat was put down my vet had undertaken 7 euthanasia's that day.

The last dog came in and the owner wanted to put her down, because he didnt want to spend the money on a cruciate ligament operation for her. (That would have been no 8 for Roan in one day).  She was 10 days off turning 8 years old, a beautiful black lab cross with an old soul. My Miss Queen Bee was about to enter my life.
Roan decided enough was enough and 10 days later this beautiful girl found her new forever home with me. I can honestly say my life took a huge change in direction from that day. We bonded instantly and spent 5 beautiful years together, which I will be eternally grateful for.
Wanting to give back to to my girls friends I started volunteering at Shenton Park Dog Refuge in Perth, as a dog walker. Within 2 weeks, I had put my name down to start my studies with Delta after speaking to a fellow volunteer who was already doing the Delta course. It did however take me another year to start the course and now nearly 3 years on from that I am now qualified and enjoying every minute.


I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to do such a well respected course. I am appreciative of all the lecturers and staff time and effort that they put into all their students to enable them to succeed and I'm even more grateful for the strictness of the course which has allowed me to get the most out of myself.


Whenever I struggled, whether it be not having enough time to study to the degree I would have liked, or because I thought it was too hard in places and I wasnt getting it, I would just think of my Miss Queen Bee and the determination would kick in and 'hey presto' I would get another assignment done.
I am in awe of how much I have learned and how well the course is run. Of course like any thing in life 'you get out what you put in', however with Delta this has been so well thought out and all the staff have been so supportive the whole way. I cannot reccomend Delta highly enough.
My only sadness is my Queen Bee didn't survive to see it through to the end with me. However, I know she came into my life for a reason and because of that I am able to make a difference with her fellow friends. I am eternally grateful".

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