Delta Institute and our certified dog trainers are committed to dog training using only positive reinforcement (force free) methods and to enriching the relationships between people and their canine friends.
Graduates of our nationally recognised Delta Institute Certificate IV courses are fully qualified to run puppy and adult dog classes, provide one-on-one behavioural consultations and are eligible to join the Delta Institute graduate membership program.
All trainers listed here:
have successfully completed a nationally recognised Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services or Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training
agree to adhere to the Delta Institute Code of Ethics
agree to adhere to Delta Institute Best Practice guidelines
commit to continuing education and professional development
commit to setting the standard for professional dog trainers in Australia
Trainers listed as Accredited CGC™ Award trainers have completed the associated Delta training program.
Delta Institute members are approved to display the Delta Members logo when advertising their business and can use the following post nominals:
AMDI - Associate Member of the Delta Institute. These trainers are members of the Delta Institute and have completed a nationally accredited course with us but are not currently providing dog training services.
MDI (CPDT) - Member of the Delta Institute (Certified Professional Dog Trainer). These trainers are members of the Delta Institute, have competed a nationally accredited course with us and are actively providing dog training services.

Other Resources
Guide to Finding Good Training Class
Veterinary Behavioural Medicine Specialists